Nazca Culture 100 BC-800 AD
85" x 37" in.
Further images
The Andean textile weaving tradition has persisted in continuation for an uninterrupted span of 3000 year until today in the remote areas of the Bolivian highlands.
These stunning and monumental example of bold Huari textile aesthetics exemplifies this culture’s technical virtuosity in expressing abstractly the beliefs that man has the power to create order, transcend space and time in a non representative colour field of geometrics. For, surely accustomed as we are with our late XXth century modes of perception freed from representational conventions, the visual impact of this cloth and those of the following group cannot fail to resonate with the archetypal heritage of abstraction inherent within us all.
Back to the Future, 40 years of Paul Hughes Fine Arts, Maiden Bradley, 2023Continuities, Maiden Bradley, 2021