Frieze Masters 23

11 - 15 October 2023

At Frieze Masters this year, we showcased an exceptional array of masterpieces to our connoisseurs: museums, institutions, and discerning collectors. Even the bold fashionistas left never leaving unhappy. They all aligned with our loyal pop-star friends, whom we continue to adore and listen to with intense satisfaction. The AI enthusiasts also entered the race at top speed. London retained its Carnaby Street vibe, a la laissez-faire, laced with oodles of sharp-eyed spending power beyond measure. Frieze drew them out of the woodwork, remaining the world's premier art fair by a mile and then some. Thank you for coming to strut your stuff, grace the aisles, and marvel at the visual Magical Mystery Tour at what has been the best Frieze Masters imaginable. We are now in Paris for Paris Art Basel, watching the French do it in their winning manner. We hope they can muster the same level of partying that the Irish supporters gave last night to celebrate losing.


The textile arts of the ancient Andes are one of the most important contributions to the world's artistic legacy, combined with a technical virtuosity that's hardly surpassed. These artists were deeply aware of their reciprocal relationship with nature and their gods as cosmic forces, relying on the Upper World and Lower Interior World to heed their call. They believed that the divine response to their invocations was contingent upon a display of respect and veneration by mortals. It is for this reason that such exquisite textiles, glowing with luminescent colors and vibrant designs, radiate a profound faith and an exquisite transcendental sense of unique splendor.