In this extraordinary selection of textiles dedicated to the relatively unknown Sihuas culture, we find a uniquely vibrant art style thats both aesthetically captivating and resonates to the spirit of our times although 2000 years and more have passed between us, what could the cause of that commonality be. That these ancient artists imbued the works with meanings that are maybe hard to grasp for us , they are impregnated with enigmas that implore our attention to go beyond the formal or art conventions and see them for what they are, radiant examples of the human inherent need to express there social and cosmic yearnings towards a higher realm. Ancient Andean honoured their gods with offerings and ceremonies and paid homage to their dead. The works of art that we see in museums were not usually objects intended for daily use. Although some of their apparently utilitarian forms may suggest such usages, their real function was to serve as spiritual rather than earthly objects.